As promised we have finally set up the blog for our trip. I have no idea how to blog and I don't know if anyone will actually read this.
We will try to be good about posting pictures and answering questions, we would love to hear your feedback, comments, criticisms and encouragements.
Right now we are visiting my cousin in Auburn AL, people here are crazy. Yesterday we were driving and we passed a orange and blue car with a tiger's tail (stuffed) hanging out the trunk, as we passed her I noticed dozens of tiger stuffed animals on her dash and she was wearing an orange shirt with an Auburn visor. I have seen some intense Broncos fans before, but these people rock there Auburn gear 24/7 365. This lady looked like she was heading to a game or something, but football doesn't start for a few weeks (did I mention she was probably 80 years old).
Alabama is hard to explain, just know that it is awesome and at some point in your life you need to come here, if anything just for a shrimp poboy and some fried green tomatoes. If you are adventurous try the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, head south for an Auburn game, then finish it off with a few days in Fort Morgan at the beach hanging out with the wild dolphins(yes Alabama has white sandy beaches). For the record people here do wear shoes and have most of their teeth.
A lot of people have asked about our itinerary and what groups we are working with, here is a brief overview of the journey. We are still trying to make contacts everywhere we go, so if you have any suggestions for ministries or even just some people we should have dinner with, please send them our way.
September 1st - We fly out of NYC into London, we are going to cruise around Europe for 3 weeks trying to see historical sites and volunteer at whatever random church/organizations we can.
September 28th - We fly to Cairo Egypt. We will be visiting the pyramids and the Sphinx. After that we are not sure what we will do here but we have a few days to kill until we go to Uganda.
October 3rd - We catch a plane on Ethiopian Airlines to Uganda. In Uganda we will be working with Come Lets Dance (www.comeletsdance.org) for 2 months. They have an orphanage and various other projects going on, as we learn more in detail what we will be doing we will keep you updated. Please check out their website when you get a chance.
November 26th - We fly back to Egypt, where we will stay for a few days (If we can swing it we might try to go to Israel for a few days).
December 1st - We fly to Bangkok Thailand. We are still working on the details but we should be working with an organization called "SHE" in Phuket (www.shethailand.org). In a nut shell they help rescue sex trade victims/prostitutes, they provide housing, counseling, job opportunities, and hope for these women. Check out their website for more details.
February 1st - We fly into Singapore. We have no idea what we will be doing here yet, we hope to find a way to serve people and we will see where God takes it form there. If you have any connections let us know!
March 24th - We fly to Hong Kong for 1 week. Again absolutely no idea what we will do hear, probably the tourist thing.
April 1st - Head back to the states, we fly into San Fransisco. We are going to hang out with the Cherrys for a few days, then back home to Denver.
As far as communication goes we will hopefully be fairly reachable via email for most of the trip.
I also need to introduce Nate Vogel to some of you. One night we were climbing and I started telling him about the trip, he got super excited and I told him if God opened the doors he was welcome to join us. Sure enough details fell into place and now there are 3 of us. We met Nate 3 years ago from a friend of a friend, he became our 5th roommate at the condo in Golden and we have all been friends ever since. He has an amazing passion to serve others and he approaches his faith with the same commitment and clumsiness that Tiff and I do. We are excited to grow and learn with him.
That is all for now, keep us posted with everything that is going on at home.
Yay!!!! Can't wait to hear what you are up to. Have fun, take risks, do something crazy everyday. You are in my prayers.
Too bad people in Alabama have teeth....I was hoping that would be a good reason to go someday :) Best of luck we are praying for you guys and thinking of you!!!
thank you for thinking of me! =) your adventure sounds absolutely awesome! i will definitely be keeping you guys in my thoughts and living vicariously through you guys =) have fun!
Sweet blog Josh, I'm amazed that you planned so far in advance, 8 months...I'll bet your life is impacted forever by what you're going to do though. Have fun! And I'll keep you in my prayers
Hey y'all. Just wanted to let you know I will be following your blog so keep me/all of us updated with your adventures and pictures if possible.
I am going to forward your blog over to The Muffins as well!
I hope you're happy Brink. Since you feel the need to better others and travel, we lost the championship game in our basketball league. Next time you want to do a trip, think about me back home and how it makes me feel when we lose a basketball game in a subpar league.
Just kidding, I care!! Make sure you walk around naked at least once in every country you visit. I sent this blog to everyone as well.
Big Kisses
I am so excited for you two. Have an amazing time, and take lots of pictures and vids. You will want to look back on them one day. You are in my prayers. God is doing awesome things through you. Thanks for keeping us posted on your adventure, I feel honored to have been invited. Love you,
Diane (Mom);~)
This is a great way to keep us informed! Now don't forget to update often! We love you and will miss you, be safe
Love Mom
can't wait to see you on saturday :o) love brooke
Well it looks like your blog is a hit. Say hi to our friend Morgan Johnson when you are in Uganda - he's working with Come Let's Dance until Dec. I might have some connections for you in Singapore. A Young Life friend of ours was on staff there for three years. I'll let you know what I can find out. Take care and enjoy!
Hi Josh and Tif~
We are sooo excited for you and your round the world mission. The lives you touch will be changed forever!! We hope you will add us to your email list....we'll be checking regularily for your posts to your blog...based on your first entries, you have everyone primed and ready to go with you as you begin the time of your lives. If you get to Bhutan we can make some connections for you. God's speed!
Allison and Tony R
Have a wonderful time. Stay safe. Come back changed.
I'm so excited to live this trip vicariously through you guys! Have a great time. Know that you are missed and that we'll be praying for you.
Hey guys. Hope this finds you doing well. I may have a connection for you in Singapore with the mission Transworld Radio. I will try to contact him and then let you know for sure. We miss you guys. Praying for you always.
Looking forward to hearing about your exciting adventure...hope you will be posting your thoughts too! We will be praying for your protection and God's work in your lives and the lives you touch....
Tiff and Josh,
What a life defining trip! Wow! I am excited to read about it all over these months. God chose a great couple to be adventurous and a light to others at the same time. I have to say I am a little bit jealous... just a little ;). I pray for lots and lots of adventure... physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Love you two,
Hey Josh and Tiff!! Gram and I just wanted to say hi, we are excited to read about your next adventures. Wish we were with you, except for that whole sleeping on the ground thing. Hope you are having a great time, we miss you!!
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