Well it almost 3:00am and we are sitting in Newark airport waiting to check in to our flight. Of course the actual flight isn’t until 8:00am, but being the thrifty overachievers we are we opted out of staying anywhere tonight so we could save some money and be here early for our flight. To help paint the mental picture: Tiff and Nate are laying here on a concrete floor with a thin layer of carpet trying to get some sleep, unfortunately for them Newark has been testing their fire alarms every 10 minutes for the last half hour. I find it fairly comical because what do you expect when you are sleeping in an airport at 3 in the morning, this is when all the work gets done (I say this of course as the man rides by on his seated floor buffing machine).
While Nate was still keeping it real in Colorado, Tiff and I were spending our time in Illinois with her family doing everything from mowing the grass to babysitting, but mostly eating delicious meals with great company. For the last 3 weeks we have been in Alabama and Illinois visiting family, there is something about being with loved ones that just feels right. I think many times life can get so busy that we forget to spend enough time with family, so if its been a while since your last family dinner I highly recommend it, its good for the soul. Another thing we picked up in IL is bean bag tossing ( I don’t know the official name), I would put it in the same category as washers, horseshoes, or tossticles. You basically throw a bean bag into a box with a hole in it. Simple - yes - but it provides hours of solid entertainment.
Our best discovery thus far is actually a website, www.couchsurfing.org. The basic premise is you create a profile (like face book with friends and references), then you contact people from any city you happen to be traveling in, and see if they have an open couch or room to sleep on/in. It is much more than just a free place to stay, it is a way to meet people, to connect to the “local” resources, and a great way to step out of your comfort zone. Now the first thing everyone asks is, “Is that safe, it seems kind of sketchy?” I would say go on the website and check it out for yourself, so far we have had a great experience with it in New York, hopefully we will have more good experiences in the weeks to come. Our first couch surf was with a guy named Matt, he had an extra room at his place in Upper West Side (5 blocks from Central Park). Matt was so kind and a great host, he even made us some spinach and carrot soup (it wasn’t poisoned) at 1 am so we had something to eat while we sat around listening to classic rock (Bob Dylan/Rolling Stones). The picture above is from the amazing patio on the roof of his building. Our time with Matt was made even better by his Chinese Jewish guitar playing friend named Abraham, unfortunately he is not performing anywhere yet but I told him to keep me posted. For the rest of the time in New York we hung out with our buddy Michelle Woodruff, she was an amazing hostess and treated us to some tapas and Cuban sandwiches.
As I said before we are headed off to London, our first international stop on the journey. We ask that you could keep us in your prayers and that you would let us know if you have any thoughts, ideas or comments (please let us know if there is anything you need some prayer about).
- good night from Newark Liberty International Airport
Josh, Tiff and Nate
Hey there friends!
Sounds you adventure has been pretty etchen so far. I am glad you discovered couch surfing. Benny and Mandy were couch surfing hosts when they lived in Boulder and I am sure they are still doing it in North Carolina as well. I am also pretty sure they utilized the art of surfing couch when they were in India as well.
I hope your flight(s) go well and can't wait for your next post
Man, that was such a great thread! I enjoy hearing about your guys trip and also love to hear your insight on things Josh! I will be lifting you guys up in prayer. You guys sure do have a servants heart for God and are showing that on this trip. So excited for you guys and look forward to your next thread! Have a good travel sesh!
The bean bag thing is called Corn Hole - I have no idea why, but my neighbors love it! We've had Corn Hole tournaments :)
Thinking of you guys!
First of all, you do not tell me what to do. I will eat meals with my family when I am good and ready, you understand that?
Second, I achingly miss you both. I watched Top Gun last night and thought of you Josh. You may wonder why I thought of you, so I will tell you. Whenever I see them all in their jeans playing volleyball, while 'Playing with the boys' is in the background. I picture you. Now I'm not sure why I picture you, but I thought I would throw that out there.
I'm still a little bit freaked out by this couch surfing thing. I would be worried that you would wake up and your host would be watching you while rubbing their belly button. Hopefully that doesn't happen to you two.
Hope you have fun on your next stop and I'll be dreaming about you both.
Big Kisses,
Sounds like you guys are having an amazing time. We miss you all, and pray for you all the time. Matthew and Kati are doing something like the couch thing, as they have guests for the next 12 days, so they are staying at our house. Thank you for keeping us posted on your adventure. We love you all.....
Bon Voy'age!!!! I wish you well, have fun in London. You better keep us updated at EVERY stop.
for the record the bean bag game is called corn hole and its a very popular pass-time at auburn tailgates. I love ya'll and hope that some how on your voyages you help to change the world for the better!!
Heh there my sweet boy :-0,
This is sooo exciting to "be" with you on your travels. I can't wait to hear about everyone God puts in your path! A thought for you- journal every "Godincidence". The more you look for them, the more you will recognize what an AWESOME God we worship! You are always in our prayers!
Hey, I've slept at Newark too, it's one of my favorite airports to sleep at.
Have a great trip around the world! Serve God and love hard. You'll be in our prayers
Hey guys, I hope that this finds you rested from your jet lag. I have to agree with Mike, couch surfing is a bit disconcerting! That belly button thing is a little out there Mike!
In Wisconsin the Dutch call the bean bag game "bags" I do believe.
I love you two,
Hey you guys!
We are so excited for you guys and your trip! What an amazing opportunity! We miss you guys so much! I hope you guys are having a great time and can't wait to hear more!! Praying for you
All our love,
Shyra and Brayden
Brayden sends "kistes and lubbs" to his godparents! :)
tossticles.. corn hole tournys . This is da greatest blog ever!
totally miss you guys. learn lots o' 007 powers in London
Glad you guys included us! Can't wait to follow the details of your fun adventure. Simon was excited to see your face, Tiff! Sorry we didn't get to see you before you left. :(
Is it time for you guys to come home yet... and do set up?
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